Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nobody, Nobody but ME

I am Rovelyn M. Branzuela, a student of Central Mindanao University taking Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.
About me, they say that I am friendly, and that is true. Respectful, is an attitude that I might choose those people who respect also in me. But the good thing is, “RESPECT the ELDERS”. Being strict is a part of me, strict? It’s because of my EYES, and it’s because of those things that I hate, especially people who irritates me.
Nobody, nobody but me is like a codes in program when one is missing the program will not run and my life is like a program that you must have to keep it complete so that you can’t make it run eternally and you must keep your program from any virus and hacker that keep trying to destroy your program and in myself. I’ve keep it from the person who keep trying to destroy me and you must have to find a good protection to your program so that the virus and hacker will not destroy your program easily, in life it’s like finding a true friends that protecting me to all the person that try to destroy me. The video card can’t do it to me because it always told, that I’m the one who give them brightness because every time they need always come bright up their day. My life is like computer software that I must upgrade every time so that I will not become slow and not so accurate in solving my problem. In life when I have strength in solving my problem and facing the up’s and downs of life I must faster in the way of thinking for solution in my problem of that I will not depress on it accurate in finding solution any of my problem so that I will not make a wrong solution and make it big and more problematic to me. My life is like an old computer that need to be repair and make it new so that you can use it again, in life it’s like yourself very depress it’s a problem and you must have to get up and start again so that you will never waste your life.
In my carrier right now, I want to be an expert of what field where I belong. Taking this course is not easy, be patient of everything because it might be a success of my life someday. “Put God first in everything you do”, without God, I am nothing. :)

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